工作日の印象 001

  • Linux 安装 Pip 及 Python 包时,出现 SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED, certificate expired 错误(SSL 证书具有加密和服务器身份验证的作用,相当于服务器的身份证ID)

    ## use --no-check-certific option to SKIP
    ## then "python get-pip.py", it'll download and install pip
    ## maybe it's still wrong because of the SSL certificate. So let's install offline
    $ wget --no-check-certific https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    ## use pip to install package, add below options to SKIP
    $ pip install --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org $package_name
    ## another permanent fix
    $ mkdir ~/.pip && vim ~/.pip/pip.conf
    trusted-host = pypi.python.org
  • Linux 挂载命令 mount

    ## mount windows share dir to linux
    ## -t denotes type of file system, e.g., ext3/tmpfs
    ## cifs - common internet file system
    $ sudo mount -t cifs //ip/path-to-dir ~/linux-dir -o username=$user,noexec
    • ERROR: mount: cannot mount read-only

      ## 2020/8/3
      ## you need to install the cifs-utils package
      sudo apt install cifs-utils
    • ERROR: mount error(2): No such file or directory

      ## try to install package keyutils
      ## maybe cifs cannot find the keyutils
      sudo apt install keyutils
    • ERROR: mount error(13): Permission denied

      ## use option "sec=ntlm" to set security mode which decides password encryption
      sudo mount -t cifs //ip/path-to-dir ~/linux-dir -o sec=ntlm,username=$user,noexec